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Prevention of Acne Scars

Acne scars are generally caused by an injury to the skin as the result of acne. This comes under the post effect of acne. Acne scars differ from a person to person but broadly, they can be divided into two major headings. One where extra skin tissues are present and other being where there is a loss of normal skin tissue.

Scares with extra skin tissues deposited are known as raised scars or keloid scars. They are formed of extra collagen that has been laid down under the skin. Sometimes these scars may be bigger than the original acne or spots and often last for years. People with darker skin are more susceptible to this type of scarring.

When the skin tissue is lost, the scarring is generally referred to a sunken scar. These types of scars are more common than raised scars. These are characterized as 'pits' on the skin. There is further classification depending on how the scars look and so on.

Prevention is always better than cure. Never ever squeeze your acne by any means as doing so; it will act like bowing the seeds for new acne. The materials inside the acne spread on the other sites of the body and give rise to new pimples.

If you are suffering from the itching on the acne, take some cotton and do it gently. If the acne has something oozing out of it, take an antiseptic lotion or powder with gauze piece.

Another thing is to be kept in mind is don't pick or poke your spots with any damn instruments. Let it be your own nails, fingers and tweezers. The germs on these will shift to the acne and will produce the infection of the acne.

Try to go for herbal beauty supplement other than the chemical ones. Use a good oil free moisturizer as a part of your skin care regimen. Wash your face with herbal face wash containing the herbs having disinfectant properties. Try to keep your diet away from the junk food, spicy food, canned or packed food etc. These foods tend to produce acne on the face.

Some health science believe that chronic constipation will cause the acne and so the scars and therefore, don't remain constipated. You can go for some natural or herbal laxatives once or twice a week to tone up your intestines. Benzoyl peroxide, topical antibiotics like clarithromycin, clindamycin are also said to be beneficial in preventing the acne in earlier stages.

Try to avoid the direct sunlight falling on your skin. Wash your head properly so that the dandruff (even if you have) should not mix up with the sweating and get seated on your face blocking the natural opening and finally producing the acne. Cover your skin when you go out and don't expose yourself to the pollution and dusts. Take bath properly by putting disinfectant in your bath water and use the herbal soap instead of soap containing chemicals. Have your proper light diet and try to balance your hormones through diet and harmless pills.

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