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How to Get Rid of Acne Pimples Before They Get Bigger

If you ever catch a bump on the surface of your skin, you know you're in trouble the next day, because chances are that what is a tiny imperfection today will turn into a large pimple tomorrow. Instead of covering it up, or waiting until it gets bigger to finally deal with it, your best bet is to act immediately to prevent it from getting any bigger.

A lot of people (including anesthesiologists from what I've read), have learned that if they applied an ice cube on the bump during its most early stages, the pimple will simply disappear by the next day. Well, obviously it doesn't just vanish, but it does not form into a large pimple, and is reduced in size as it is broken down through various means that I won't go into detail about here.

This method on how to get rid of acne works quite simply. Take an ice cube, and wrap it either in tissue paper, or plastic wrap. I prefer tissue paper so as not to make more needless waste than necessary, but the choice is yours. Take this ice, and apply it to the affected area. Keep it there for about ten minutes, and not longer, as this could actually result in frostbite, or other damage to the skin in the surrounding area. As excited as you are in using this method, keep this in mind! If I opt to do it three times per day, I first do it as early as possible from when I first noticed, lastly before bed, and then calculate the time between for the second use.

If you are really worried about something coming in, you can repeat this method about three times per day without much of an issue, so long as you space out each use by several hours so as not to damage your skin.

This is about as simple, cheap, and effective you can get with a home remedy for acne. Unlike other home remedies for acne, this one doesn't involve making a mess, going out to buy strange oils and ingredients, and you probably already have it in your fridge right now. Overall, you have no excuses not to try it, even if at least once. I will tell you however, that I have never found a single person on any blog or forum that didn't find that this helped them.

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