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How To Clear Up Acne With The Help Of Lasers

Discovering how to clear up acne can be a struggle and many times will be a case of trial and error. Here we are going to focus on lasers to achieve a clear complexion.

Lasers are considered to be one of the most effective approaches to reduce the activity of sebaceous glands and cleanse the skin, a fairly new technology that has recently earned an FDA approval. The purpose of these lasers is to reduce the production of skin oil which is often the beginning to severe acne eruption.

The Causes Of Acne

Although some people suffer from spots due to unusual hormonal activity in their body, others are genetically predisposed to acne breakouts. Then, there are those who suffer from large pores that act as a breeding ground for bacteria.

Contrary to what many believe, acne doesn't appear just in the face as individuals often experience painful breakouts on their back, chest and neck. While topical creams containing salicylic acid are among the most common and popular forms of acne treatment, they often fail to produce results in case of people who suffer from chronic acne.

This is where acne laser skin treatment comes into the picture, if you are interested in this type of acne control therapy let's have a look at the different types of laser treatments used to tackle acne.

How To Clear Up Acne With The Right Laser

Blue Light Laser Acne Treatment

This is one of the few FDA approved acne laser treatment methods; it involves using a low intensity blue light on the skin which is particularly effective against P.acne.

The procedure is painless and hence it does not need the administration of local anaesthetics; however, in order to see results, patients will need to go through several sessions in rapid succession to control P.acne which is known for intense breakouts.

It is also important to understand that this remedy to control acne is not permanent and the treatment will need to be on-going to keep the skin clean and blemish free.

Although no pain is felt when the procedure is being performed, some amount of dryness and redness is common in the area of exposure. A combination of low intensity blue and red light is far more effective than using just blue light in the treatment.

Combination of pulsed light and heat

This is another popular form of treatment where heat energy and pulsed light are used in combination to decrease the size of the sebaceous glands (oil producing glands); this in turn reduces the amount of oil produced by the skin.

Since the energy is directed at the dermis which is the thick middle layer of the skin, there is no scarring involved in the procedure; however, you can expect some amount of redness in the area of treatment.

Diode Laser Therapy

The aim of this laser treatment is dealing with hyper active sebaceous glands. Some amount of discomfort and pain can be associated with this method of acne control, so it is normal for the laser therapist and dermatologist to administer local anaesthesia in some form; usually topical creams, followed by analgesic preparations after the therapy. There may also be a little inflammation in the treated area.


Therapy: In this type of acne laser treatments, a combination of topical medications and light based laser is used to eliminate acne eruptions. The preparation applied to the skin before the therapy is known as a photosensitizing agent. As the name suggests, it helps to enhance the skin's sensitivity to light based laser.

During the procedure, pulsating laser lights in red and blue are used on the skin. Like all other types of laser based treatments, this form too has side effects such as swelling, redness, and dryness in the area where the skin is exposed to the laser.

Photo-pneumatic Therapy This is a procedure that combines the suction effect of a vacuuming like technique along with laser light therapy to rid the skin of acne. The process starts with a cleansing procedure where a device is used that acts like a vacuum cleaner removing the dirt, debris and bacteria trapped inside the pores which causes inflammation and acne breakouts. This is followed by laser treatment which helps to shrink the size of the pores and the oil glands.

Photo-pneumatic therapy produces exceptional results when used against P.acne and to reduce inflammation.

While most people prefer to visit a dermatologist or center to learn how to clear up acne, the FDA has given its seal of approval to several home laser devices which work on the same principle although the results are not the same as traditional ones.

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