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Home Treatments For Spots And Acne

Acne can be a curse for anyone especially those entering their puberty period. In fact, almost all American teenagers experience this kind of skin problem during their teenage years. The skin problem clears out once one is past their puberty age. Acne not only affects teenagers, but adults in their 20s - 30s as well. Treating this skin problem at the onset is important as without treatment, scars can happen. Acne can occur in just about any place in the body although most would have the problem in the face, back, neck and chest.

How Acne Develops

Acne develops when skin pores become clogged and skin oil is trapped inside. This is due to the fact that bacteria infect the underlying skin causing inflammation and in some instances, swelling. Some people would see lesions, white heads or blackheads with inflamed center.

Home Spots Treatment

Aside from hormonal imbalance, acne can be caused be several factors such as cosmetics, dryness of the skin, sunburns and even shaving. It is important to keep our skin clean from irritating substances. Washing twice a day helps remove dirt from the face. When one is suffering from a mild case of acne, here are some home remedies that one can try out.

Witch Hazel is excellent for skin care because it can help reduce oil while at the same time soothe inflamed skin.

Crushing and mixing of aspirin with 1 tbsp. of honey is said to help reduce inflammation of the skin.

Mixing honey with oats is also said to be effective as honey has a recuperative effect while oats absorb excess oil and at the same time cleanse the pores by removing dirt naturally.

Tea tree oil can help as it is has antibacterial properties. One can use tea tree oil or products with tea tree oil and apply it to the affected area.

To prevent over dryness of the skin, make use of coconut oil mixed with other essential oils.

Look for natural products that contain salicylic acid. Strawberries, for example, have high natural salicylic component which helps tone down acne.

Baking soda is a great exfoliator for the skin because it is natural and gentle to the skin. Mix baking soda with honey, lemon or some water and use it as a paste to cover affected area.

These are just some of the home remedies that one can try out in the comforts of their own home. Additionally, over the counter spots treatment are also available from your local drug store.

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